Delamere - Travel Directions

Address: Delamere Forest Visitor Centre, Delamere Forest, Northwich CW8 2JD

There will be parking on site, which you will be directed to by our marshals on your arrival.

Both the visitor centre car park (ANPR), and Whitefield car park (Pay & Display), will be open to runners. Please arrive early as spaces will fill up quickly.

Whitefield Car Park is located approximately 1mile from the event village, please factor this extra walk into your arrival time.

Participant parking in the main visitor centre will be charged at a discounted rate of £3 to park, to claim this, use the code 7880 at a pay station before returning to your vehicle after the race.

If using the app What3Words, use the words ///shippers.deck.tripods for exact event village location.

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