Birmingham - Travel Directions

Address: Sutton Park Park Road, Sutton Coldfield, B73 6BT

Please note, the address given is the entrance to the park, the Event Village is located a short walk away from the main visitor centre, and 'Town Gate' Car Park.

If using public transport, it’s a short walk to the main entrance at Town Gate from either the bus station in central Sutton Coldfield or the Sutton Coldfield rail station. Sutton Coldfield is less than half a mile away from the event village.

There are several entrances to the park. Car parks are marked on the Sutton Park website linked below. There is very limited parking available on site so we recommend carpooling and taking public transport.

There are plenty of car parks within a 15-minute walk of the event village. As on-site parking is extremely limited, we recommend planning your journey in advance.

The park is easily accessible by both foot and cycle. Cycle parking is available in the park.

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